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2005-02-03 : 2:44 a.m.
a stream of cold night air
Listening to this lovely Nordvagr/Drakh album on Davo's computer and drunk on a comination of polish honey liquor and shitty disgusting pineapple rum that i bought on my birthday.
There is a creature here, I know. It is an old creature that has become new and visible through the pairing down of personality. Something fizzing, like a rage, but certainly with a purposeful glance. The gaze of each new state whether alien or personal is endlessly forward, ever forward. When I have dreams of wanting they are dreams of pure nothingness, or the last moments approaching it. Of breaking out of tubes into free flowing static, of dispersing into my ancestors; irish sailors who punched men to death, rich german scientists, mason bavarian bankers, swedish kings, scandinavian soothsayers, nothing. I wonder where all the processes i have been feeling can go and it seems this is the ultimate destination. Lull states are only utilized to remind myself of where this final pull reaches. The will to arrive there is so strong and joyful. Give me the purest communion in the buildings I will make once the war has started in earnest and I am far north, pulling from my own soil and calling to the moutains far in the south. I know I'm half crazy these days but i am also very hard to deny in totality. I talk freely now because I know my other is catching.


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