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2005-02-19 : 8:18 a.m.
my hero!
Last night Dave made a feast of everything left in the kitchen: black beans, white rice, and celery. It tasted good with a lot of hot sauce in it.
I dreamt last night about a man who was running through a beautiful village. There were a pack of large black dogs chasing him. He jumped off of a low rooftop down into a small beach area. He threw a handful of stones to distract the dogs but it only drew them nearer. They found him and as the sun rose they ate him. Then I was with Dave in the village standing on our roof looking into the domed glass ceiling of a long old stone house and telling him that it was haunted and that there would be a day in the summer that we would see it. Then I turned to the other side to see a cross sectioned cathedral and all the monks were preparing to go to bed.
The series of dreams I had been writing about a few weeks ago ended with one apocolyptic dream in which light started to fall out of the sky one night and I took a female child who was supposed to be a teacher down into the ground into a cramped soil box that we had to lay in. There was a small hole in the ceiling that we stuck a pole/lance out of to stave off direct hits of light but also to absorb it. The next night I dreamt that the entire world was having graduation party/wedding. Since then my dreams had gotten really weird/hard to remember and i have been living like a nun.
And last but not least I heard from a hairy little birdy that Mr. Timothy has saved my diaryland journal from doom! You are my hero, sir.


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