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2006-01-06 : 9:25 a.m.
i had a dream that seems dumb to me now but it feels like i'll realize that it's hyper symbolic later so:
my boss hired me to babysit/psychologically rehabilitate her children. I devised to do it by making some kind of movie that i worked very long and hard on. I brought the children to a grocery store where i met my sister who was acting weird and avoidant. I left met my boss and went to her office where first some seemingly homosexual man came in and approached a modelof a building that i had made. He took a drug and was transported to the top of this building where some alternate reality was taking place. I took some but as i waited for the effect to come on some kind of cowboy man on a motorcycle came and took a shirt of mine to perform some duty. as i watched him leave two violent looking men emerged from a door and said"we must take someone with a hand larger than a tear" and they took dave into the room. They emerged a few minutes later and said "we need some one with a hand smaller than a tear" and they took me into the room. There were tables of violent looking gang related people. I thought some about multiculturalism being dirty but alright. Then i noticed someone across the table who i knew, who told me that they had only taken me there to help run a charity race. we ran together and he informed me of things about the organization and that he was Finnish until we passed some cop cars. we ran into an empty storage room and i pulled out the ventilation grate and we fell into a small room where lie there nervously listening to see if we had been followed. after we decided it was safe we climbed out a window. however on the street there were some rival members who chased us and beat us. before too much i ran away and found a hole in t he ground the led to an open cellar.


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